Wellbeing & Workshops

Exercise and an active, healthy lifestyle can work wonders for both physical and emotional wellbeing, whatever your age, health status, ability or gender. Exercise has been called a ‘wonder drug’ for its ability to improve many health conditions and the link between physical and emotional wellbeing is also well recognised among health professionals.

Our Total Wellbeing Luton Healthy Lifestyles programmes have something for everyone – from managing long term health conditions to supporting people with non-medical help for emotional or social isolation to providing free NHS Health Checks and Stop Smoking advice and support.

Most programme participants receive a voucher for 10 activity sessions at £3.50 each – these can range from visiting our gyms, going swimming or taking part in specialist activity sessions.

If you’re unsure how we might help you email active.luton@nhs.net.

Active Luton is the Healthy Lifestyles partner for the Total Wellbeing Luton integrated wellbeing service which includes emotional therapies provided by Turning Point. You can find out more about integrated services here.