Luton celebrates over 17,000 Holiday and Food Activity places for children on free school meals


Holiday Activity and Food programmes play a critical role in supporting the wellbeing of children and families, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

We were delighted to be joined by Deputy Lieutenant Martin Darlow, the High Sheriff of Bedfordshire Bhavesh Shah and Deputy Mayor Councillor Babatunde Ajisola.

Key Headlines:

📣Independent economic consultants Volterra recently estimated the gross benefit of the Energise Luton programme to be £6.1 million, highlighting its substantial social value.

⭐352 holiday camps have been held over 3 years.

💡17,778places taken by children on free school meals, including 15% for SEND children.

💥The Energise Luton programme is among the top five for the highest reach of unique children in the South East and East cluster of 32 local authorities. We couldn't run this programme without support from our incredible providers and partners including Luton Borough Council, so thank you to every one of you.

🙏Thanks also to everyone who supported the event and let's hope the Department for Education are able to continue to providefunding for such a crucial programme.