Active Luton Gender Pay Gap

Detailed research has been carried out to measure the ‘gender pay gap’ at Active Luton, showing that we are in the unusual position of having a negative gap i.e. a gender pay gap in favour of women. The average gap in pay rates for men and women at Active Luton is 7 per cent in favour of women. However, analysing these statistics is a complicated business. The following ‘questions and answers’ will help explain the situation.

What is the Gender Pay Gap?

The gender pay gap is the percentage difference between average hourly pay for men and women. The gender pay gap also considers the difference between ‘bonuses’ for both men and women (the term ‘bonus’ is explained in full further down).

What statistics have to be published?

Government legislation introduced in April 2017 requires us to publish the following by 4 April 2024:

• Mean gender pay gap (salaries added up and divided by the number of employees)

• Median gender pay gap (salaries lined up from lowest to highest and middle value is taken)

• Gender bonus gap (mean and median averages)

• Proportion of men and women in the workforce receiving bonuses and

• Proportion of men and women in each quartile of the organisation’s pay bands

How often is this information published?

This information is updated on an annual basis.

What’s a bonus?

For the purposes of this report a bonus is anything paid on top of the substantive salary, this can include such things as market supplements for posts recognised as ‘hard to recruit to or retain’ as well as vouchers for those celebrating long service with Active Luton.

There’s a gender pay gap in favour of women. Does this mean that Active Luton is being unfair to some male employees?

We are committed to the principle of equal opportunities and treatment for all employees, and we have a clear policy of paying employees equally for the same or equivalent work.

Do male employees get paid less than women at Active Luton when they are doing the same job?

Not when they are recruited, providing candidates have the same level of experience/time in post. The only difference between two individuals in the same role, regardless of their gender, will be the length of time they have been with Active Luton and the annual increments they have therefore received.

There’s a mean gender bonus gap in favour of women. What does this mean?

The mean gender bonus gap in favour of females is due to the types of roles which qualify for the incentives outlined above.

How does the Active Luton gender pay gap compare to other employers?

It is unusual for the gender pay gap to be in favour of women. We will know more about how we sit in relation to other organisations – both locally and nationally – when they publish their data.

What will the Active Luton do to close the gap?

We already have in place a number of schemes to help both men and progress in the workplace, but we have more ideas. These include, but are not limited to:

• Actively promoting existing employee procedures, schemes and working patterns to attract and retain employees (for example Shared Parental Leave, flexible working, working hours/patterns)

• Actively promoting the scheme for buying additional holiday, to help employees balance work and home commitments

• Requiring all interviewers to undergo ‘refresher’ training to raise awareness of unconscious bias

• Ensuring that the approach to job evaluation, local conventions and practice is gender neutral

Active Luton Gender Pay Gap Data for Publication 4 April 2024

• The mean gender pay gap for Active Luton is -7 % i.e. favours women

• The median gender pay gap for Active Luton is -21.8% i.e. favours women

• The mean gender bonus gap for Active Luton is – 8.3%

• The median gender bonus gap for Active Luton is 0%

• The proportion of male employees in Active Luton receiving a bonus is 6.7% and the proportion of female employees receiving a bonus is 5.26%

Pay quartiles / data by gender

Includes all employees whose hourly pay places them in the lower quartile.
Includes all employees whose hourly pay places them above the lower quartile but at or below the median.
Includes all employees whose hourly pay places them at or above the median but below the upper quartile.
Includes all employees whose hourly rate places them in the upper quartile.
Breakdown by gender of all full pay relevant employees.

The figures set out above have been calculated using the standard methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.